Navigating to Requests and Tasks

As you first log in to ServiceNow, you will be navigated to your dashboard, as seen below:

Naturally, the labels for ‘Content Frame,’ ‘Banner Frame,’ and ‘Application Navigator’ won’t be present, they’re only listed for the sake of demonstration.

All Requests and Tasks assigned to you will be in the Content Frame and listed in the My Group’s Active Work. However, to view Requests and Tasks in more detail, such as Tasks which have been closed or unapproved as of yet, make your way over to the ‘Filter navigator’ in the Application Navigator.

You will find two types of expandable items in the Application Navigator: Applications and Modules:


In order to get to any relevant Tasks, find your way to the Knowledge Application, either by searching for it directly in the Filter Navigator, or by find it in the Application Navigator here:

From there, you can click on the little star to add it to your ‘Favorites’ tab for easier future navigation.

Once you’ve expanded the Knowledge application, scroll to find all the Tasks modules and use whichever one is relevant to your objective.


The process for Requests is exactly the same as Tasks, just with different navigation. To reach your Requests, find ‘Service Catalog’ in your Application Navigator.

Expand Service Catalog and open the module Catalog (singular). Then expand ‘Open Records’ and you’ll have access to your Requests.